pitt lake, british columbia

I am broadly interested in (applied and theoretical) microeconometrics.

My current focus is on problems related to causal inference and partial identification, especially in settings relevant to policy evaluation and experiment design.

    in progress

  1. Sharp Identification Regions in General Selection Models with (Un)ordered Treatments and Discrete Instruments

    Best Paper Award (Methods), Chicago Causal Inference Student Conference (March 22, 2024)

  2. working papers

  3. Horowitz-Manski-Lee Bounds with Multilayered Sample Selection

    (with Kory Kroft and Ismael Mourifié)

    NBER Working Paper, September 2024.

    [pdf] [NBER link] [arXiv version]

  4. Nothing Propinks Like Propinquity: Using Machine Learning to Estimate the Effects of Spatial Proximity in the Major League Baseball Draft

    (with Majid Ahmadi, Nathan Durst, Jeff Lachman, John A. List, Mason List and Noah List)

    NBER Working Paper, December 2022.

    [NBER link]

  5. published

  6. Multiple Testing with Covariate Adjustment in Experimental Economics

    (with John A. List and Azeem M. Shaikh)

    Journal of Applied Econometrics, May 2023.

    [published version] [preprint] [Stata package]


I gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
